Friday, 29 October 2021

Back Pain and Pregnancy - Treatments and Exercises

Back pain and pregnancy are inevitably related. Two out of three women getting pregnant experience this. But thankfully there are general treatments and exercises that can help reduce or prevent it.

1. Self Help Strategies

Generally one should try to reduce physical activities like standing on one leg for long time, climbing stairs, walking long distances and lifting or carrying weights. In between your work, try to take short frequent breaks. Just take a walk break or get some fresh air. At home, lie down comfortably during such breaks as well as get the regular consultation with one of the top neurosurgeons in Chennai.

2. Massaging

Gently massaging the affected area is the most common cure but its effects tend to be temporary. Be careful; take the massage from an experienced person only.

3. Some Alternate Therapies

  • Relax in a warm bath.
  • Soak a cloth in warm (but not hot) water and place it over the small of your back.
  • Use alternate medicines like homeopathy or herbal pills.
  • Alexander technique teaches posture control to improve posture, balance and coordination. Learn this technique.
  • Reflexology and yoga is also helpful.
  • Many pregnant women find relief in acupuncture too, but its merits are yet to be proved.
  • Chiropractic treatments can be tried out.
  • Anxiety and depression during pregnancy can also be the cause of back pain, sciatica and leg pain. As such, staying relaxed and happy may make you feel better.
  • Swimming can be of great help in back pain and pregnancy.

4. Exercise

There are some simple exercises to safely straighten your back muscles in case of back pain and pregnancy.

  1. Get on your hands and knees. Lift your right arm up so that it is level with your back, and at the same time lift your left leg high but not higher than the level of your hips. Hold this balancing posture for a second. Repeat the process for left arm and right leg combination. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Start as before. Inhale slowly and as you exhale, arch your back upwards. Hold it for 5 seconds and repeat 10 to 15 times.
  3. Add a twist to the above exercise by drawing your right elbow toward your left knee, and vice versa, while lifting.
  4. Lie on your back. Lift your head and torso six inches from the ground and hold it for a second. Repeat this 10 to 15 times.


Be very careful while going in for any medication or exercise during pregnancy. If you experience any abdominal discomfort while exercising, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

Back pain and pregnancy are closely related but can easily be separated! Just give it a try.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Some Facts On Laser Spine Surgery in Chennai

It is not seldom the case that people may at times feel that some of their body parts are being struck with somehow particularly painful feeling. In most cases, these parts turn out to be their back or spine. 

This back or spine ache can oftentimes be triggered by a pretty large number of causes. Nevertheless, quite luckily, there are ways by which people can try to reduce or completely get rid of the pain they feel on their back or spine. Yet, for this particular purpose, a surgery will often be necessary. Unfortunately, as everyone may have realized, surgery can be horribly painful and can oftentimes cause scars that are permanent as well. As a matter of fact, this is the reason why a laser spine surgery done by spine surgeon in Chennai is more preferable these days.

When it was originally invented, a laser spine surgery is meant to make it possible for those spine or back ache sufferers to recover from their illness quickly and without too much pain. This is of utmost importance taking into consideration that the sufferers will have to go through the process of rearranging, and oftentimes disposing of, the muscle tissues within their body.

But how does a laser spine surgery start? Well, a laser spine surgery will usually attempt to make an incision, and a particular one, at first. This incision is necessary for the sake of accessing the painful regions of the body. This is when the laser surgery often plays a crucial role in that it makes the opening.

People can often take advantage of a laser spine surgery to rectify their inflamed or, even worse, broken discs. With the help of the laser spine surgery, they will usually be able to remove their inter-vertebral disc, be it the entire part of it or just a portion of it. Some people also recognize these processes as either the discectomy or the microdiscectomy.

However, there are some differences between the two of them. With the discectomy laser spine surgery, the patients will usually have to go through some quite painful feeling. This is because discectomy is categorized into the open procedure and pretty invasive. Yet, this is not the case with the microdiscectomy laser spine surgery.

Either way, however, the process is often quite similar. With each laser surgery, the physicians will normally try to insert some sorts of a laser needle made of fiber into the innermost section of the disc in pain. Then, carrying out the laminotomy is the next step to perform operation regarding a split disc.

Yet, one good thing about a laser spine surgery is that it is not likely to leave any permanent scars or memorable pain to the patients.